Tuesday, June 2, 2020

How Can You Teach Vocabulary In Context

posted on June 7, 2018 The best way for students to learn vocabulary is in the context of their own reading and writing. We can provide students with a definition to plant a seed for the word, but then we need to water it with reading and feed it with the students’ own writing. With this understanding in mind,  I am creating new lesson plans to go along with the short stories that we recommend. These lesson plans help you pre-teach the vocabulary within the context of the short story and your students’ own writing. Here are the lesson plans I have so far. (The links will take you to a page where you can subscribe to our list for that short story and receive resources including links to download the stories, suggested videos or audios, and paired texts. If you’re already on that list, you won’t be added to it again unless you use a different email. Once you’ve entered your email address, you’ll be taken directly to the page where you can download your resources and order the Vocabulary and Writing Lesson Plan for that story.) All Summer in a Day Vocabulary and Writing Lesson Plan Seventh Grade Vocabulary and Writing Lesson Plan Names/Nombres Vocabulary and Writing Lesson Plan The Gift of the Magi Vocabulary and Writing Lesson Plan Here’s what our beta testers have said about the vocabulary and writing lesson plans: The rigor of the reading selection is great, the vocabulary challenging and relevant, and the questions are fantastic for exploring the topics as well as giving them a chance to practice writing a thorough and insightful journal entry.† — Suzy, online ESL teacher The best way for students to learn vocabulary is in the context of their own reading and writing. Click To Tweet I love the idea of writing more with vocabulary!† — Courtney, Miami middle school teacher We can provide students with a definition to plant a seed for the word, but then we need to water it with reading and feed it with the students’ own writing. Click To Tweet I am anticipating the quick writes to be extremely helpful for us.† — Brandy, Pennsylvania middle school teacher Need more ideas for teaching vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, writing, and more? Check out our Facebook group  and subscribe to our newsletter below! Join 13,000+ Members of RTE's Newsletter I am a secondary English Language Arts teacher working on my National Board Certification, an Oklahoma Writing Project Teacher Consultant, and a graduate student at the University of Oklahoma earning a Master's degree in Instructional Leadership and Academic Curriculum with a concentration in English Education. Are you ready to reThink your ELA teaching practices? 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I am constantly seeking ways to amplify my students’ voices and choices.

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